Wednesday 23 October 2013


The Archaeological community might have certain disagreements about the answer to that question but the few that actually agree that Howard Cater paved the way might agree with my view.

He spent 31 years in Egypt before he found king Tut's tomb, king Tut who is estimated to have died at around nineteen years old was the last pharaoh before the empire crumbled and the last few years of his life were nothing like the normal life of a teenager.

                                                            boy king

  King Tutankhamen father died when he was very young and circumstances led him to marry his sister who's whereabouts were never confirmed after his death and they could not bear any children.


                                                           King and Queen

King Tut's funeral was rushed, he obviously wasn't expected to die so young and yes there was the 90 day morning period but not enough time to build him his own tomb from scratch but be that as it may it was the only tomb not to be raided by thieves and hence Howard found it in perfect condition.  


  1. Interesting subject archaeology, I cant help but notice the relevance of eye liner in Egyptians appearance back then.

  2. Lol... even the men wore it back then.
