Wednesday 16 October 2013

Greatest Archaeologist ever to walk this earth????

Howard Carter

To most people the name doesn't ring a bell....
but to Archaeologist and Archaeological fanatics like me we recognize Mr.Howard Carter as the greatest Archaeologist there ever was.

Some might say it was nothing but luck that brought Howard is fame and prestige but archaeologists know how hard it is not to just research but to successfully locate your intended artifact. 

Howard Carter 

Discovered, Excavated and brought to the very illusive tomb of the young king TUTANKHAMUN  


                                                                        King Tutankhamun

believe it or not it was a very last minute discovery as Lord Carnarvon who was founding the expedition had just about pulled out and of the long and seeming fruitless mission but because of Howard's persistence and goodwill he stayed on just a bit longer and God was he great full he as they made the discovery of the century 
On 4 November 1922, Howard Carter's excavation group found the steps leading toTutankhamun's tomb (subsequently designated KV62), by far the best preserved and most intact pharaonic tomb ever found in the Valley of the Kings.


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